Pure Game is a 2021
AO Impact Grant Recipient
Location: Garden Grove, CA USA
Mission Statement: “By 2026, we will provide 100,000 youth with mentoring to help them discover pathways to success of their choosing because kids shouldn’t have to struggle to make sense of a confusing world.”
Project Details: The PureGame football3 will be used for two tournaments this summer. PureGame is perfectly placed to launch and expand this football3 programs because of our strong school relationship base. We will use that base to promote the summer camp-style program to reach 80 youth. Building on the summer program’s success, we will facilitate the program within our school partnership database to secure 2-4 school collaborations.
Named after its three halves–a pre-match discussion, football game, and post-match discussion – football3 incorporates key life lessons into every match. In mixed gender teams, players collectively decide on the rules before the game. Following the match, they reflect on their behavior and the behavior of their opponents, with points awarded for goals and fair play. As football3 is played without referees, players must learn how to resolve conflicts themselves through dialogue and compromise. Kids will sign up for the program as individuals and will be placed on a mixed-gender team as the program kicks off. By engaging youth in a unique format of sports activities and randomizing the team selection, we will promote inclusive team play. We can also disrupt the negative effects of power alliances and the win-at-all-cost mentality.